Bike Safety

Live healthy, ride safely, and make the world a better place.

Beyond offering incredible biking experiences, the greatest impact I believe Tour Da Yoop, Eh will make will be on saving lives.
— James Studinger

James started biking as a triathlete. He soon discovered training for triathlons is a dangerous endeavor with buzzing boats in open water and speeding vehicles inches from collision. Many of his friends and acquaintances have been badly injured or worse. Growing up in and knowing the backroads of the UP, James trained on beautiful, quiet roads, some days only seeing a few cars. But he never saw other bikers on those roads. Most bikers traveled US-2 and M-28 alongside all the traffic. He realized that people only ride roads they are familiar with; if you aren’t from the UP, you have no idea where to go. So he founded a massive eye catching 1,200 mile route to raise awareness for bike safety and showcase the paradise that the UP is for road bikers.

I rode in and out of just about every community in the Upper Peninsula, and became intimately aware of what it takes to make biking an incredibly safe sport. The UP had most of the pavement already laid, but there were numerous ‘connectivity’ opportunities not being explored that could make it world class.
By keeping tabs on connectivity and problem areas, over time we can work to further improve biking in the UP and strive for a year when not a single person gets hurt.

There are very few bike accidents in the UP (18 in 2020 compared to nearly 1,400 downstate). James has downloaded and read through every single bicycle crash report in the past five years and works with the right people to discuss bike safety, road construction and improvements that can be made. The incredibly low crash rate in the UP is a true testament to the people throughout the UP involved in non-motorized safety.


Read my 2023 TDY Safety Report - “Is Perception Reality”. I delve into the system of bike safety, specifically the lack of uniform safety standards that desperately need to be adopted.

Read my 2022 TDY Safety Report - “Possibly the Safest Place in the USA to Ride Bikes”. Full report for road improvement and biker safety tips.

Read my 2021 “18 in the U.P.” report for information on U.P. bike route infrastructure.

For bike safety information, check out our blog.

Any suggestions?

Let us know how we can make our journeys safer. Send us some feedback.